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Showing posts with the label effects of positive thinking

Do We Need Positive Thinking (Effects Of Positive Thinking)

Recently I read an article on the negativity of positive thinking. This surprised me a little but also made me think. Trend is a trend, it comes and goes, but there is something that should always be. Today, positive thinking has come into a trend. Literally, everyone wants to tell how to do it, but not everyone wants to think rationally on this issue. There are too many contradictions in our life, and if we don’t seek to find answers to some questions, we get strange things. Positive thoughts and emotions have no harm in themselves, but there is one huge 'But'. If we go beyond the boundaries and think about everything too absolutely, then trouble cannot be avoided. But why immediately talk about sad, let’s look at all the examples. Idealism and absolutism often make us evil and miserable. I hurt my leg badly. First, from shock and on the nervous condition are tears, then the second phase is frustration. The third is to gather my will into a fist and begin to think ra...