“King! Queen! ... The King! Where are you?” heard shouts out of the door of the royal bedroom. Then the door is opened and literally the first magician of the kingdom, Allwunar, went quickly, at the same time he's slipped on the rug. His fatty, shaggy hands are trying not to damage the parcel with the seal. “Ugh! ... Dear Allwunar, you are a mage, not a postal sparrow!” exclaimed the king with irony. “You need to fly and fly to take such a responsible position” and the king and the queen give a laugh together. “I'm sorry the Lord, but the news is important” said Allwunar and cleaned up his clothes. He sat down in a chair in front of the window and pretended to be an offended postman. “Yes, yes, it's important. Otherwise, why should the venerable first magician and friend go to the bedroom?!” asked Queen Llila ironically and smiled. “The Kingdom is always an important thing in which only the monarch knows where his citizens are hiding. If I'm not mistaken it...
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