Back to the amnesia, back to a new reality.
Each poem is a little story, inspiring be strong, never give up, be true to yourself and your dreams despite difficulties, losses and pain. They give us the strength not to give up our worst part and be able to accept you as you really are. ISBN: 979-8609454317 |
About Myself
This short story has a genre of fantasy and reveals the meaning of fear
and prejudice within the personality of every living being by means of
superimposing images on fictional characters.
ISBN: 9781370867073
О Себе / About Myself (Russian Edition)
Данная короткая история имеет фантазийный жанр и раскрывает смысл: страхов и предрассудков внутри личности каждого живого существа по средствам наложения образов на выдуманных персонажей.
ISBN: 9781370871414
Whisper of the Fifth Generation

Series: Spirit of the Old World
Status Processing: ... 25%
Dark Castle

Status Processing: ... 25%
The Eternal Knight

Series: Balance of the Worlds
Status Processing: ... 90%
Road Through Subreality

Series: Balance of the Worlds
Status Processing: ... 20%
Earth without joy. World without magic

Series: Balance of the Worlds
Status Processing: ... 40%