We all often say to ourselves such words as 'not now', 'not today' or just repeat the word 'tomorrow'.
We believe the future is sacred considering that when the right time comes, we can all do. But often nothing happens. All our life stops because of one deadline which could not be. At such moments, we are ready to ask each time, "Why did this happen?"
These words should become for you like magic spells or program code for your brain.
But why, why is this so? I'm not too lazy person. I like hard work and laziness sounds like a charge. Such thoughts are usually in our time. But you should still admit to yourself that because of such deadlines, they make you find out how to get rid of the 'magic word of tomorrow'.
Laziness is just a word or action we try to avoid in every way. But a peculiar rule is often in life. We refuse or run harder from things that eventually we will catch up.
How to get around your unwillingness to do something day by day, there are so many ways. You can divide large goals into smaller ones and so on to tiny ones. You can develop the habit of solving these problems with the help of rewards. You can even just have the courage and look at challenges as an investment in the future. But the most powerful and effective way for me is the easiest one.
Close your eyes and gather your will into a fist. Then open and say the words. "No, I can do it!" Close your eyes again and openly say, "I am already doing it!”
If you have an important work (or goal), give it at least ten minutes a day and it'll always be done on time.
We believe the future is sacred considering that when the right time comes, we can all do. But often nothing happens. All our life stops because of one deadline which could not be. At such moments, we are ready to ask each time, "Why did this happen?"
If we still ask ourselves the same question, it means we still haven't found an answer to it.Each time you add something to your new goals, you must tell, "No, I can do it!"
These words should become for you like magic spells or program code for your brain.
The lack of faith in yourself creates the most terrible monster, that's doubt.Only in this way, we are able to fight with our most important enemy, laziness. Laziness makes us put all things off for later or solve them when there is too little time left.
But why, why is this so? I'm not too lazy person. I like hard work and laziness sounds like a charge. Such thoughts are usually in our time. But you should still admit to yourself that because of such deadlines, they make you find out how to get rid of the 'magic word of tomorrow'.
Laziness is just a word or action we try to avoid in every way. But a peculiar rule is often in life. We refuse or run harder from things that eventually we will catch up.
Even if you run faster than the wind and the ray of light, you still cannot turn back time.We don't want doing complex tasks every minute. It usually consumes too much energy of our body. So laziness is just a defensive reaction to our titanic waste of energy. But as is known from the laws of physics, any action has a direct and inverse effect.
How to get around your unwillingness to do something day by day, there are so many ways. You can divide large goals into smaller ones and so on to tiny ones. You can develop the habit of solving these problems with the help of rewards. You can even just have the courage and look at challenges as an investment in the future. But the most powerful and effective way for me is the easiest one.
Close your eyes and gather your will into a fist. Then open and say the words. "No, I can do it!" Close your eyes again and openly say, "I am already doing it!”
Sometimes simple words give us more strength and energy to go further than food and water.Remember, you can not put your goals off for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. You have the risk of spending your full potential and completely stop doing it.
If you have an important work (or goal), give it at least ten minutes a day and it'll always be done on time.
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