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Showing posts with the label motivational blogs

Do We Need Trust In A Relationship (Family Compromises)

Thinking about the family , we need to pay attention to something else too. The most important thing is also the trust of each other in the family. Without trust, you cannot build a strong foundation. Trust must go along with faith in each other and support. When faith is lost, then something invisible disappears in the feelings. There is a breakdown inside the person and happiness in the relationship decreases in proportion to the time that goes on. Not every wall can only be resolved with words. It’s also important to be yourself. Yes, it’s necessary to make compromises in relationship and sometimes make concessions. But at the same time, we always remain ourselves not copying our partner. Each of you is a person; you have the right to your strengths and weaknesses. We often copy the habits of our partners, but it’s better to stay who you are, that's why you are loved. A compromise is when everyone is dissatisfied, but equal. So don't lose yourself in

3 Unexpected Thoughts And Their Influence On Us

Here are some of my quotes and thoughts to them. Thoughts are unexpected and not predictable. And that's what happens. We cannot influence all the things happen in our lives. But we can prepare for them. We often faced what has already happened in our lives. We don't want to look at the consequences of our actions and things. We most often choose our life in this way. Then life happens as we want, like water flows along the simplest and most direct path. We always make our own decisions and decide for other people. For some reason, we don’t want to admit that it often hurts or destroys us from the inside. Sometimes it's hard for us to make the necessary decision, but this is life. There is no place for those who don't want to grow and develop. I don't urge you to do good or completely change your life like so many others. Just ask you to think a few times before saying unpleasant things to someone. Remember, these words and emotions often lead u

Love Is Waiting For You (Do You Know It)

Love can find you when you least expect it. You can look for it, wait for it, but when you already despair, it’ll overtake you! Love is like being on your favorite job. It’s hard work, but when you like it, you do it with a smile and it’s easy. Sometimes we don’t pay attention to those who are close to us and have always loved us. Sometimes we love and are afraid to tell someone about it. Indeed, love can be in the most unexpected form and instead of fears and experiences, we can hear in response, I love you too. Don’t be afraid, you can unite more than you even imagine. You need to get feelings and learn something incredible and new. Love is like ice cream if it isn’t periodically cooled, it’ll leave a sweet taste after itself. Some people say that this is the world of singles and there is no place for couples or lovers. They are wrong, we can always find a couple. Common interests or habits always bring people together. The main thing is hard work on your relationships an

100 and 1 reasons why the family is

The family man will say, " Why not. " A single one will say, " Why do I need this? " In fact, this is not about why we need a family or why we choose to live in families. And most likely, about how wonderful or not to have our own family. I remember asking my future wife to marry me. I remember how we spent our wedding. I remember the most courageous and intriguing gift, an empty envelope. Yes, I remember a lot of family life and I am even sure that she too. But like everyone, we have quarrels and joys. We live like two people still in love with each other, and we are not strangers under the same roof. This is what I call being a family. Family happiness is when both spouses are happy with their lives, and not when they both hate each other. The most important thing in the family is care, support and compromise, of course. You can complement your spouse, not dominate him or obey. We often discuss new ideas with Maya or share new experiences. We ofte

What does family really mean to me

Family is living beings who are with me at any moment of my life. My family is my husband and the little cat that we raise and preserve her as our own child. Humanity is not the structure of the body, it’s our soul and our actions. We all have a common goal and strive for it, but not always in the same ways. We can look in different directions but still continue to go one way. The most important thing is not to forget that we are as one and common things brought us together. For me, a family is a support that will understand, help and will love me as I really am. A strong family is like a rock, every ridge is every person in it. We often criticize others and blame them for their limitations, and we don't recognize our own ones. The family collapses when misunderstanding appears and unwillingness to accept each others constant strange behavior. Certainly, it’s necessary to try improving relationship (if possible), discarding many other individual differences and try t

Talking To New York (A City Where You Can Be Yourself)

A lot of heaven was in my life and I just like everybody fell into the abyss. I, like all of us, had to make hard decisions and follow the path with eyes closed. One of the difficult days for me, I decided to look for support from someone who could really help me. On such a day, I wrote a letter to a city that has warmed thousands of people with their dreams for some time. Every word we say, every sentence we write, every letter will eventually reach its destination in whatever universe or dimension it would be. Hello, New York. I want to tell you a lot, but I don’t always find strength or words in me. So while I think about you, I will try to say everything I wanted. Your opinion is crucial to me, and I hope you can give me your answer. You know, one of my first notations was about you, New York, where I tried in three words to describe how I feel about you. Perhaps, it will seem ridiculous to you, but I am sitting and listening to the Z100 radio now to feel much closer to y

Do We Have Happiness Near Us (True Friends)

Every day brings us new challenges and new opportunities. But a small island of peace can always find in the mad speed of the day. For me, this is my favorite cat, Ri. She always gives me new opportunities, just watch her and draw conclusions. Sometimes all we need is just to open our eyes wide and look at everything near us. I love to watch my cat while she is sitting on the window. She always has such a peaceful look. My kitty loves to spend her time that way. It touches me very much. She sits under the sun and looks at everything that happens on the street. Ri sees every movement of the wind and any shadow. The whole cat’s life for me is expressed in the beautiful contemplation of life. I even came up with a definition to describe it all, The Cult of the Sun. Sometimes she doesn’t want to go to the window at all and it scares me a little. I think my girl has the bad feeling now, and she doesn’t want to make herself worse. Or some things scared her there, some kind of s

How To Find A Way To Do More (Yes, You Can)

But people don't always want only enjoys us or hurt us. More important and significant events are also taking place in our lives. After the bad memories of my life, good and funny ones came to me. I remembered trying to learn how to drive a bike. I fell off it and rose to my feet. Once again, my mother told me I can do more. Just believe in myself, keep balance and move forward. I could and overcome my fear. The next day, I was riding my bike with friends in the park. I was thrilled, and my heart fills up with warmth. My friends spoke these words me when they sincerely believed in me and wished to help me overcome difficulties. My mentor also said these words me. So I could get out of the events that limit me and reach the best of my capabilities. But the most important case for me was still when I heard these words from my wife. It's not about what I needed support or encouragement of my actions. They were just the most important for me and gave me the op

How To Overcome Difficulties And Be Yourself (You Can)

Keep thinking about it. In order not to get lost in my thoughts and not to lose the thread of truth, I needed definite examples. I took them from the surrounding events throughout my life. One day, my school physics teacher told me I can more when I could not solve his problem. At that moment I thought he believed in me and began working harder on the problem. A few days later, I solved it and seeing the happiness on his face. I was very pleased that I justified his trust. But everything turned out to be quite different. My teacher just heard and knew that I liked the study of the exact sciences. So he used the situation and stimulated me to solve the problem he needed in quantum physics. After some time, he filed a patent for his new idea and left our school. So the teacher did so that no one would reveal his secret. His unexpected departure very surprised me, and I went to the school principal. I found out that this teacher, using students, came up with a new kind

What Is The Limit Of Our Possibilities (You Can Do More)

Knowledge and clarity come with time. Many people tell me, there is no future without the past, but everybody forgets that the past creates our present. Today, the weather is beautiful; the sun is shining; the sky is like an ocean of blue and dark blue. Why today these thoughts came to my mind, I don't know. But now I know one thing I need to understand my past. Can I actually do more? What is the limit of my and your possibilities? Philosophers say that our strength is limitless, but even the universe has a beginning and an end. Many thoughts in my head were too simultaneous. I need to return to the reality of this day. I walked with my wife and talked about many topics. We talked about nature, human capabilities, education and self-development. Suddenly, she said an ordinary phrase, but it seemed to open a portal into my past. "You can do more!" It sounded loud in my head. I start seeing everyone who told me this phrase all my life. Teach

What does the end of the story mean to me

About the inevitability of the end of any beginning, I thought again after watching Avengers Endgame. When any story begins, an event in life, another project, no one basically thinks that once it will end. And even now there are things in our life we guess they will be for a long time. But I’m sure that nothing isn’t eternal in this world except the eternal ones. The end is always the beginning of something completely new one. Sometimes I still remember and even a little sad about my projects that have already ended. When Cass and I created them, we thought it would be a long time. We developed them, loved and cared as if about our child. It was the time, when projects with sadness in my heart had to be closed, but we hoped that sometime we could go back and continue. Time will tell what will happen next, but hope keeps being in us. Never lose fire in your soul because it’ll lead you to success. The only thing I know for sure is necessary not to be lazy, seek to develop

How I Get Positive Thinking (Be Strong)

My birthday this year, I waited with a feeling of another disappointment. Last year was notable for its disgusting and complete indifference of the surrounding people. As Cass says I’m analyzing and comparing everything, I didn’t expect a special day, and even tried to forget about it as a nightmare. So it had a negative impact on me and I remember that day. I planned nothing and didn’t want to do that day. I even asked that no one was worried and sincerely wanted things to be like this. But for some reason, sometimes everything happens the other way in life. All we usually want is peace of mind, but fate always finds another adventure for us. When Cass and I went to the movie Avengers: Endgame, he said that he had an idea how to spend the first day of May. As a courtesy, I asked what is it? But he didn’t want to talk too early, it was a surprise, but he still said. His idea surprised me, but I also liked it. Since at that moment, I could not believe why I didn’t gue

How To Choose Only One Way For Myself (100 Different Ways)

Some years before, I could write some of my poems and even read them from the stage.    But at twelve years old, I realized that I wanted to learn the acting skills. I read books, repeated emotions in front of a mirror. I've been searching for tricks and even masterly showed them to the public. But all this was not exactly what I really wanted. I wanted to practice acting professionally and to go to university I had neither the age nor the money. I have kept my aspiration for acting skills to this day, having time to play my roles in several plays. To be honest in those times, I didn’t appreciate it very much and didn't consider these events as small victories. Most likely, my youthful high spirits was to blame for this, which didn't allow me to test all these events for a merit. I dreamed very much to put my own play which I wrote. But in the end, it remained on the shelf in the school library because the school didn't want to spend its funds on the scenery

How I Started Developing Myself (Good Things Happen)

We often ask ourselves questions, we often find answers to them, but we are not always able to correctly notice and recognize them. Since childhood, I loved to go for a walk, sit in a park, or just be away from the city and enjoy the starry sky. The stars were always sacred to me, and the surrounding sky, I compared with the ocean. Maybe that's why I started learning astronomy, to be closer to the stars and the sky. But as it turned out, dreams remain just dreams. People still cannot go to the stars and new planets as we walk to our favorite shopping mall or cafe. All these thoughts didn't let me sleep and eat. They are like big bees constantly flying around my head. When I returned from a walk on one clear night, I was determined to write about my experiences and the torments of my soul. A few hours later, my short story was written, I was happy and tired, so I went to bed. When I woke up, I read my work, and it changed my whole life. The realization of who y

How to Write the First Short Story (New Life Goals)

Not everyone is born with the soul of a dragon, but everyone can get wings.   For some people, dragons are evil and greedy. For others, dragons are wise and strong. For me, they are completely different without stamps and stereotypes.  I have always believed that dragons are wise and powerful creatures. They can change our lives for the better. Actually, I was not an ordinary child or teenager. It was not because I was not interested in the values of other children or I had no friends. No, it is not. Everything was much deeper. From early childhood, I was constantly interested in things that other children could not easily perceive. Thanks to my dad, I learned to read and write very early. In the evenings, he often liked to tell me about the books he had read. My father told me the storylines and events with the main characters in his own words. But he always left intrigue stimulating me to read these books. I still remember our huge library of several hundred books